This is an example page


This demonstrate the default tooltip display without extra settings.

Default there will be two comps:

Share Component

This demonstrate all the platform support in Share Component with default settings.

Supported platforms:

Visit Component

This demonstrate all the platform support in Visit Component with default settings.

Supported platforms:

Customize Component


Orignal tooltip of Search Component. Text selected will be the keywords to search.

Change icon

The icons of the Search Component and Wikipedia are exchanged.

More Icons

This tooltip contains 5 icons a row.

Change Keywords

The keywords to search will be "Hello World".

Change Locale

Message shown on hovering a icon and Google's name are different now.

New Platform

A brand new platform can be added to Component: Google2.

New Component

This demonstrate adding a QR Code Component to the tooltip.

The new platform requires jQuery plugin to generate QR Code (Scripts included manually). Click on the icon to see what it does.

Our tooltip script already provided a simple script of generating QR Code. You can also overwrite our function to meet your needs


You can also use pure HTML to initiation the plugin.